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CCST’s 40th Anniversary and Awards Ceremony of WANG Xianghao Scholarship
Post:2016-11-24 21:16  View:

On the occasion of JLU’s 70th anniversary and Chinese Mid-autumn Festival happened to come the CCST’s 40th anniversary and the awards ceremony of WANG Xianghao Scholarship. The ceremony was held in Dongrong Conference Center on 15th, Sep. 2016.


The meeting was well-attended. More than 700 attending the meeting: LU Ruqian, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from Institute of Mathematics of CAS; LI Kai, an alumnus of CCST and NAE member from Princeton University; MIN Yinghua, Fellow of the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from Computation Institute of CAS; SU Yunlin, member of New York Academy of Sciences from Jinan University; Maurizio Marchese, vice president of University of Trento in Italy; deans and directors of peer universities and colleges and institutes; representatives of alumni associations from all parts of the country; representatives from other units of friendship; representatives from employments units; current and former leaders of CCST; representatives of retired and on-the-job faculties and students and journalists; also YANG Zhenbin, chairman of JLU and ZHANG Xiangdong, vicepresident of JLU.



Congratulatory messages were sent by LI Mo from Beihang University and WU Jianping from Tsinghua University, both of whom are academicians of CAS. Such messages were also from China Computer Federation (CCF), departments of computer science of peer universities and colleges, and alumni associations of CCST across the country.


The ceremony began at 8:00, which was hosted by ZHENG Shuang, chair of CCST.



YANG made a speech, on behalf of LI Yuanyuan, president of JLU, expressing his sincere congratulations to the teachers and students of CCST and his sincere welcome to all the guests. He thought highly of WANG Xianghao’s contributions to the establishment of CCST and to the field of artificial intelligence and gave recognition to CCST’s achievements in discipline construction, students training, scientific research and social services. He said that JLU would give support to CCST as usual and hoped that all teachers and students in CCST should develop exploitation and innovation, inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the older generation, such as WANG Xianghao, implement strategic programs in accordance with JLU’s mid- and long-term reform and development plan, make full use of interdisciplinary advantages of computer science, and promote the core competitiveness and the fast development of JLU.



LU recollected in his speech his friendship and work experience with WANG Xianghao and expressed his thanks to WANG’s help and cherished his memory of WANG. He presented as a gift on the spot a computer-designed-and-produced picture with his personal signature, expressing his congratulations to the anniversary and best wishes for the future of CCST.



Pro. SUN Maosong, chair of CCST of Tsinghua Univesity, reviewed the glorious history of CCST of JLU, especially the important role of artificial intelligence in computer development in China. He also mentioned that WANG was versatile, for instance, his profound attainments in the study of Dreams of Red Mansions.



Pro. Maurizio Marchese expressed his sincere congratulations to CCST and hoped for a better cooperation and mutual development between the two universities.



LI Qiang, director of computer branch of Beijing Alumni Association of JLU gave best wishes and made sure to follow the motto of JLU to be in return for alma mater and society with great achievements.



Pro. LIU Dayou, on behalf of administration committee of WANG Xianghao Scholarship, introduced WANG’s outstanding scientific achievements, his great contributions to education, and the origin of the Scholarship. LIU also expressed his thanks to social workers and alumni for their selfless supports. Then he read the names of those who got the scholarship and hoped meanwhile they worked hard to make greater progress.



Zhang and HUO Weiping, co-founder of Beijing Orient National Communication Science & Technology Co. Ltd., awarded the scholarship winners.



YANG gave away certificates to HUO Weiping, LIU Weiguo and AN Ning for their donation and hoped that they’d better support the development of JLU. He believed that with the help of these supports the Scholarship would give students a lot of service.



 JIA Haiyang, on behalf of the faculties of CCST, stated that they had the determination and ability to do well in teaching and research and to make contributions to JLU for the establishment of first-class disciplines and university with all wisdom and strength.



WANG En, on behalf of all the students in CCST, expressed best wishes for the occasion and thanks to those who had helped them in their studies.




Huo Weiping, on behalf of the donors, said that they would give supports to CCST and JLU as usual; he also hoped that CCST and JLU would make great achievements and foster excellent students for society.




Pro. LI Kai, an alumnus from Princeton University, made a speech entitled Ideality, Opening and Reform: Education Ecosystem from the Perspective of the Origin of Computer Science. First, he mentioned that WANG Xianghao had made great achievements in mathematics and computer science at home after studying at Princeton University. Then he introduced systematically the history, development and environment of Princeton University. He mentioned two principles of Princeton University: its recruitment focuses on ability and its admission on curiosity to pursue knowledge. He pointed out further that we can’t completely copy the system of it, but we can develop our own characteristic education in order to make ours a first-class college/university for national and international service. The speech caused an interaction and made the atmosphere to a climax.



At last, WEI Xiaohui, dean of CCST, introduced the history and development of CCST chronologically and especially the 18 research groups and 5 research orientations. He also analyzed the achievements and existing shortcomings and expressed thanks to leadership of JLU and peer universities for their supports. He encouraged the faculties and staff to hang together and work hard with truth, innovation and aspiration to build CCST an internationally first-class college.



The meeting ended successfully in solemn university anthem.

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