Pro. LIU Huadong, an expert of Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation from Ministry of Education, paid a visit to College of Computer Science and Technology (CCST) at 11:00 am on 19, Oct. 2016. LIU had an interview with representatives of faculties. WEI Xiaohui, dean of CCST, hosted the interview. ZHENG Shuang, Chair of CCST, HUANG Lan, Vice Dean of CCST, BAI Jiang, Vice Cairman CCST, members of Teaching Committee, course coordinators and Director of Experimental Lab attended. WEI introduced history and present situation of CCST, as well as the majors and courses, students training, the faculties, scientific research and the construction of Experimental Center. He also had a discussion with LIU about the characteristics and reflections of undergraduate training. After the interview, LIU went and saw Lab of Internet-of-Things and the Open Lab and communicated with the teacher and students doing experiments.
After the visit, LIU give recognition to undergraduate teaching in Jilin University and CCST. Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation is of paramount importance in our college this year. Through evaluation, the management of undergraduate teaching becomes more scientific and standardized and more intercollegiate communications develops, with which CCST will constantly pay more attention to undergraduate teaching and train its students as specialized personnel with innovative spirit and international vision.
