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Lecture—Michel Ludwig
Post:2016-06-02 11:49  View:

Dr. Michel Ludwig from Dresden University of Technology, Germany, paid a two-week visit to JLU for academic exchange activities, which was funded by the training program by Department of International Affairs of JLU for young scholars. Dr. Michel Ludwig gave a lecture Practical ALC TBoxes Norm Interpolation and Forgetting Algorithms and Its Application to the Logical Difference on Nov. 4, 2015.


Dr. Michel Ludwig obtained his PhD in computer science at University of Liverpool in 2010 before staying engaged in postdoctoral research till 2013. Then he served as an associate researcher at the cfAED project at the Dresden University Technology, Germany. Dr. Michel Ludwig’s research direction is the reasoning and resolution method of modal logic and description logic. Dr. Ludwig’s academic papers were published in JAIR, AI Communications and presented in conferences as KR, AAAI, IJCAR, CADE, ECAI, etc.. He lectured on the course of Logical Difference of Ontology in European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) in 2014.


The norm interpolation and forgetting is an important problem of ontology reasoning, which can be used to hide the specific information of ontology and display the relationship between some concepts in ontology. In order to regulate the ALC TBoxes norm interpolation and forgetting, Dr. Michel Ludwig first introduced resolution methods for TBoxes ALC reasoning, then explained how to achieve the norm interpolation and forgetting on the basis of this reasoning, and finally described its application to the ontology logical difference. After the lecture, Dr. Michel Ludwig had a discussion with teachers and students and answered their questions in a warm academic atmosphere. 

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