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Discipline of Computer Science and Technology Jilin University

College of Computer Science and Technology 

Software College 

Institute of Computer Science and Technology 

Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education

Key Laboratory of Sea Battlefield Offense-defense Confrontation Simulation, Ministry of Education

Key Laboratory of Computer Communication, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Network Techniques & Software Engineering Center of the Ministry of Education

Engineering and Research Center of Network Technology and Application software of Jilin Province

Science and Technology Innovation Center of Communication Software of Jilin Province

Key Lab of Software New Technology of Jilin Province

Key Lab of New Biological Identification Technology of Jilin Province

Engineering and Technology Center of Communication Software Production Line of Jilin Province

IBM Technology Center

Nation Linux Technology Training and Development Center

Computer Base Experiment Teaching Center, Jilin University

Engineering Research Center for High Performance Computing of Jilin Province (Jilin University)

Engineering Laboratory of Electronic Commerce of Jilin Province

First Level Discipline 

First Level Discipline Doctoral Program of Computer Science and Technology

Computer Science and Technology Mobile Station for Postdoctors

Second Level Discipline Doctoral Program

Computer Software and TheoryNational Key Discipline, Provincial Key Discipline) 

Computer ArchitectureProvincial Key Discipline) 

Computer Application TechnologyProvincial Key Discipline) 


Second Level Discipline Master's Degree Program

Computer Software and TheoryNational Key Discipline, Provincial Key Discipline

Computer ArchitectureProvincial Key Discipline) 

Computer Application TechnologyProvincial Key Discipline

Network and Information Security


College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University © 2017  All right reserved.
Address:No. 2699, Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, China. Zipcode:130012