Jilin University
Database and Web Intellig...
Database and Web Intelligence
Post:2017-11-01 20:43  View:

The main research area covers database theory, machine learning, data/web mining and web search engine.

The team had accomplished NSFC program “Active object oriented database system based on Petri net” (1997-1999), Jilin provincial scientific development program “Research and implementation of the second generation web search engine”(2000-2003), NSFC program “Incremental mobile topic-specific crawling” (2004-2006). Now we are undertaking NSFC research program “Ontology-Based Deep Web search technology” (2010-2012), NSFC program “Semi-supervised ontology construction based on active learning”(2010-2012), Ministry of Education of China specialized research foundation for the doctoral program of higher education (2009-2011), Jilin provincial scientific development program (2007-2009). More than 140 research papers have been published in international conferences or key Chinese journals such as the "Journal of Software", 60 of which are cited by SCI/EI/ISTP. We have also published 5 books, and received 5 national/departmental awards.

College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University © 2017  All right reserved.
Address:No. 2699, Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, China. Zipcode:130012